We Need More Events! & We Need Their Promoters

“Tell me, and I forget it; Show it to me, and I remember; Let me do it, and I will keep it.”

(Confucius, 552-479 v. B.C)

With this statement, Confucius summed up the core of the importance of events more than 2000 years ago.

New Year – New Happiness,” of course, numerous event agencies/companies are constantly introducing new ways to launch their products, talents, and culture. At the beginning of every year, the main question is,

“Would an event be important for us?” viewing it from a conventional angle, events are an essential part of the marketing and promotion of any brand. Not only is it vital for an artist, a deejay, or their management/label, but also to strengthen ties between the fans and the creatives. In addition, events are also essential to bridge the gap between the actual fans and customers and build new relationships. They are a perfect option to transport marketing for a brand to the outside world since, ideally, events are individually adapted to the corporate identity of a respective brand.

Notably, the 21st century has presented a vast number of event companies ranging from professional to casual independent companies. With an increasing number of passionate event aspirants looking to launch a career in event management, event companies are seeing a substantial rise over the last decade. The main reason for having events is to establish and grow a brand. Having an independent company/crew running the whole event is usually made by the brand owner or the talent to be showcased.

For music artists, independent events like; Live shows or club events are generally very important in terms of connecting and creating a bond with your actual fans. However, if you decide to launch a fashion line, you always have to ask the question, “Who can afford the brand?”

“When choosing an event promotion company, it is usually important to find one with the utmost respect for customers, partners, and employees”

Choosing an independent company/crew that strongly resonates with what you want to achieve through an event is where the challenge usually arises. When choosing an event company, keep in mind a few pointers to help you make a better decision. Some of these include;

  • Researching and looking for some of the most potential picks in the market today. Depending on the nature of the event, you can narrow down your search to event companies that specialize in that particular event.
  • Word of mouth is another important marketing channel that strongly influences a client’s perspective. Reading reviews and speaking with customers who have availed of their services will help you get more clarity on the work ethic of the event company.
  • Set up a meeting in person if possible. This allows you to interact with the potential event head first-hand and promotes the creation of a positive professional relationship, allowing you to address your concerns and give in your inputs freely.
  • Know what you want out of the event. An event company can only help make your vision of any event a reality, but the thought process behind the reason for the event is in your hands and so having a well-structured idea in mind is a crucial part of the process.
  • While choosing an event company, it is crucial to recognize an element of uniqueness and creativity towards every project that they do. Finding the right fit can be challenging but worth the effort.

Events & their hosts versus upcoming talents

“What’s the point of this?” and “Where should I look right next?”

Hardly any business is as hard as the music business today. There are different reasons for this. Precisely, as a musician, you have to take your legs into your own hands and ensure increased range. Their label deals with this for some established artists, and growth is usually exponential as long as the content is released. However, for upcoming talents, the journey is never levelled. Many rising talents have to work their way from the bottom if they need one of the seats at the top. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by performing on several events to make your work and talent noticeable.

On the other hand, the event host can also be an opportunity for an upcoming artist. Of course, this is less so if the event is a straight-up happy hour, but aside from that, a host can provide the answers to “What’s the point of this?” and “Where should I look right next?” A good host can move things along, assess the crowd’s vibe, make adjustments in the pacing of things, and focus the energy in the direction you would like. Aspects of branding, launching, or even fundraising, a host will set the pace of the show.

Event Promotion

In the 21st century, events have become familiar with so many brands showcasing what is new each day.

The introduction of events promotion companies in almost every city of the world has dramatically helped in offering more options for independent brands. When choosing an event promotion company, it is usually important to find one with the utmost respect for customers, partners, and employees. The event promotion company must always stick to the goal of the event, budgets, and brand messages in the focus of the event.

Event promotion can take different forms, whether paid advertising, word of mouth, public relations, or social media campaigns. Regardless of size and orientation, no event can do without a sound, thought-out promotion concept. Event promotion and marketing begins with launching an event idea to persuade attendees to invite their friends or colleagues and attract a steady pipeline of leads through channels such as email marketing, blogging, and advertising. Some strategies are easy to manoeuvre and offer easy access to the audience. Some of these include;

  • Use of Social media platforms. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn will all remain important depending on what kind of event you run, but consider Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, Medium, Reddit, and others, too).
  • Paid promotions; whether you are considering paying for social media advertising or adverts with google Ads or in a popular magazine, the goal should always be to achieve maximum reach ad impact with your event.
  • Use of hardcore flyers; You need a comprehensive promotion strategy that targets your audience. Even if hardcopy flyers are seemingly the easiest way to create awareness for an event, don’t go putting up posters randomly – know WHO your target market is and where they hang out. Once you understand your target audience, plan to reach out to them via posters, flyers, or even Newspapers.

These options will help you reach a broad audience to ensure the success of your event. However, the biggest question remains; “How can you create an event promotion strategy that always sells out your events?”


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